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On  November 30,  2015, Guangdong Provincial  Education Department and Foshan Municipal Government jointly signed the Framework Agreement for the Joint Building of Educational Base  of Postgraduate Students between Guangdong Provincial Education Department and Foshan Municipal People’s Government, and the Base (Foshan) was unveiled at the same time



On January 18, 2016, the School-Enterprise Cooperation signing ceremony and the unveiling ceremony of the School of Semiconductor Optical Engineering were held by the institutes, enterprises and FOSU. This is the first industry college in FOSU



On June 19, 2016, FOSU held a press conference on university enrollment in the news conference hall of Foshan City. Hao Zhifeng, the president of school, introduced the school’s first tier majors, enrollment number, reward policy, etc



On  December 28,  2016, FOSU held the signing ceremony and opening ceremony for the School of Robot Industry



In  May  2017,  Zhang Daliang, the former Director of Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, inspected the School of Semiconductor Optical Engineering of FOSU



On July 14, 2017, the opening  ceremony for the school of New Energy Industry, jointly established by FOSU and Foshan (Yunfu) Industrial Transfer Park, as well as for the Joint Training Base of University Students established by Foshan (Yunfu) Hydrogen Energy Industry and School of New Materials Development and Research Institute were held



On October 24, 2017, convened by professor Liu Anzhi of Feng Chia University, two delegations of the Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET) receptively  headed by professor Zhang Zhongru from National Chiao Tung University and professor GuangZhuohua from Sun Yat-sen University visited FOSU. Delegations of nine experts conducted the field inspectionson the majors of Computer Science and Technology, and Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation of FOSU



On  November  24,  2017,  FOSU hosted a communication activity of the Guangdong New Engineering and Industrial Institutions Construction. The photo is the president Hao Zhifeng delivers a welcome speech



In September 2016, FOSU undertook the Dual System Project of German Volkswagen



Exploring the Applied Inter-disciplinary Undergraduate Training Model: NYIT professor gave lectures at FOSU



FOSU, the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology of the  Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Anan International Group Co., Ltd. established a Marine Bio- Cosmetic Industrialization Demonstration Base for collaboration between industry, university and research. It mainly carries out cooperation between the three parties in the high value utilization of marine life, marine biological green technology, ocean bioactive substance extraction, removal of hazardous substances, development of marine bio- cosmetic, etc



On October 27, 2017, the school held the Dream ? Duty 2017 Welcome New Art Party



In January 2015, the Rowing and Dragon Boat Branch of the Chinese University Sports Association identified FOSU as the Chinese University Dragon Boat Training Base