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The 2008 International Conference on embedded Software and Systems (ICESS’0


The 2008 International Conference on embedded Software and Systems (ICESS’08)
Call for Papers
    The goal of ICESS’08 is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers, and researchers to discuss and exchange their new ideas, novel results, work in progress and experiences on all aspects of embedded software and systems. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
A.Systems, Models and Algorithm
A1 Embedded Real-time Systems
A2 Safety, Fault-Tolerance or Trusted Embedded Systems
A3 Embedded Hardware and Architecture
A4 SoC
A5 Embedded Software
A6  Embedded Real-time Operating System
A7 Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing
A8 Mobile Computing
A9 Power-aware Computing
A10 Reconfigurable Computing
A11 Agent and Distributed Embedded Computing
A12 P2P Embedded Computing
B.Design Methodology and Tools
B1 Hardware/Software Co-design
B2 Hardware/Software Co-Verification
B3 Formal Methods for Embedded Software
B4 Compilation & Debug Techniques for Embedded Architectures
B5 Embedded Component and Reusing technology
B6 IDE & Software Tools for Embedded Systems
B7 Embedded Systems Middleware
B8 Performance evaluation technologies of embedded systems
C.Applications and Interdisciplinary Topics
C1 Intelligent Embedded Systems
C2 Wireless Communications
C3 Image and graph processing
C4 Database, Multimedia, Game and HCI
C5 Network Protocol and Security
C6 QoS support
C7 Emergency/Disaster management
C8 Robotics and Control Systems
C9 Wireless Sensor Networks
C10 Consumer electronics
C11 Applications in automotive, telecom, avionics, storage, medical devices, test & measurement instrument, industrial control, etc.
    A submission should include an abstract, 5-10 keywords, the e-mail address of the corresponding author, and must not exceed 15 pages, including tables and figures, with PDF format. The Conference Proceedings will be published by IEEE Press, which is indexed by EI (Compendex), and included in the database of IEEE-XploreTM and the IEEE Computer Society (CSDL) digital libraries.The material must not be published or under submission elsewhere. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the conference to present the work in order that the accepted papers can be put into the digital library of IEEE CS. The selected best papers will be published in special issues of Journal of Embedded Computing (JEC), International Journal of Embedded Systems, International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, and Journal of System-on-Chip.
Paper submission (ICESS 2008): January 15, 2008
Notification of acceptance (ICESS 2008): March 15, 2008
Final paper submission and authors’ registration: April 30, 2008