1. 國家自然科學基金重點項目子課題,,用于重大慢性炎癥疾病治療的活性生物材料,,52333004,2024/01-2028/12,,46萬,,在研,子課題負責人,;
2. 企業(yè)橫向項目,,用于燃料電池氫氧化催化劑的開發(fā)與應用,2022/10-2023/10,200萬,,主持,,已結題;
3. 中國博士后科學基金面上項目,,pH靶向可控釋放的多孔復合材料的合成與應用,,2013M542161,2013.01-2014.12,,5萬,,主持,已結題,;
4. 2018年1月-2021年1月,,江門市科技計劃項目,陶瓷滲花墨水及噴墨拋光磚先進制備創(chuàng)新團隊,,2018/1-2021/1,,300萬,主要參與人,,已結題,;
1. Ye Peng; Ja-Yeon Choi; Kyoung Bai; Liliang Tian; Katie Pei; Yi Zhang; Dustin Banham*, Pitfalls of a commonly used accelerated stress test for reversal tolerance testing of proton exchange membrane fuel cell anode layers, Journal of Power Sources, 2024, 596: 234087.
2. Ye Peng; Ja-Yeon Choi; Kyoung Bai; Liliang Tian; Katie Pei; Yi Zhang; Dustin Banham*, Screening reversal tolerance through rotating disc electrode studies, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 62: 228-235.
3. Ye Peng; Ja-Yeon Choi; Kyoung Bai; Liliang Tian; Shijun Liao*; Yi Zhang; Dongchu Chen; Dustin Banham*, Understanding the impact of fuel cell anode layer thickness and layer
design on reversal tolerance, Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 564: 232895.
4. Ye Peng; Ja-Yeon Choi; Liliang Tian; Kyoung Bai; Yi Zhang; Dongchu Chen*; Jianhuang Zeng*; Dustin Banham*, Impact of Pt spatial distribution on the relative humidity tolerance of Pt/C catalysts for fuel cell applications, Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 545: 231906.
5. Ye Peng; Ja Yeon Choi; Kyoung Bai; Yi Zhang*; Dustin Banham*; New approach for rapidly determining Pt accessibility of Pt/C fuel cell catalysts, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9:13471-13476.
6. Ye Peng; Ja-Yeon Choi; Kyoung Bai; Yi Zhang*; Dustin Banham*; Pulsed vs. galvanostatic accelerated stress test protocols: Comparing predictions for anode reversal tolerance in proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 500: 229986。
7. Ye Peng; Yi Zhang*; Preparation of highly dispersible glass frit powders and its application in ink-jet printing ink, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40 (9), 3489-3493.
8. Luyin Yao; Ye Peng; Yi Zhang*, Rational Assembly of Hierarchically Porous CoxFe1-xS2@Carbon Superparticles for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution, Acs Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3 (5), 4139-4143.