電子郵箱:[email protected]
2005.09 – 2009.09 中山大學高分子材料與工程專業(yè)獲學士學位,;
2009.09 – 2014.07 中科院廣州化學研究所高分子化學與物理專業(yè)獲博士學位,;
2014.07至今 佛山科學技術(shù)學院材料科學與氫能學院教師,,2017.08-2018.08期間至加拿大Queen’s University訪問學習,。
1. 無機及分析化學
2. 文獻檢索
1. 聚合物納米纖維的制備及應用
2. 聚合物分離膜制備及應用
3. 生物基可降解材料加工
1. Lei Miao, Tingting Jiang, Jiwen Hu et al. Asymmetric forward osmosis membranes from p-aramid nanofibers. Materials & Design, 2020, 191, 108591
2. Lei Miao, Guojun Liu, Jiandong Wang. Ag-Nanoparticle-Bearing Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Nanofiber Mats as Janus Filters for Catalysis and Separation. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2019, 11, 7397-7404
3. Lei Miao, Yan Wu#, Jiwen Hu*et al. Hierarchical aramid nanofibrous membranes from a nanofiber-based solvent-induced phase inversion process. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 578, 16-26
4. Lei Miao, Yang Yang, Jiwen Hu et al. Robust stimuli responsive membranes prepared from a blend of polysulfone and a graft copolymer bearing binary side chains with thermo and pH responsive switching behavior. Chemistry A European Journal, 2017, 23, 7737-7747
5. Lei Miao, Yang Yang, Jiwen Hu et al. Chiral resolution by polysulfone based membranes prepared via mussel inspired chemistry. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2017, 115, 87-94