Shi-Qiao Wu
聯(lián)系方式:[email protected]
個人簡述:吳世巧,,博士,,講師,碩士生導師,。主要從事經(jīng)典波系統(tǒng)中拓撲物態(tài)的研究,,具體研究對象包括水表面波,,光子晶體和聲子晶體。研究興趣包括非厄米理論模型中趨膚效應及相關的非厄米拓撲性質,。目前以第一作者或者通訊作者身份在Science Bulletin, Physical Review Applied和Photonics Research等國際期刊發(fā)表論文十多篇,。主持國家自然基金科學項目2項,是Nature communications和Scientific Reports等期刊的審稿人,。
2013.09-2018.06 華南理工大學,, 專業(yè)為物理電子學 博士(碩博連讀)
2009.09-2013.06 嶺南師范學院, 專業(yè)為物理學 學士
2020.05-2023.05 蘇州大學 博士后研究
2018.11-2020.01 香港浸會大學 博士后研究
[1] 基于聲學軌道模式的多極子絕緣體的高階拓撲態(tài)及其物理機制的研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目(No.12404493),,30萬,,主持,在研,。
[2] 二維聲子晶體中粒子-空穴對稱性和無能隙螺旋拓撲邊緣態(tài)的研究,,佛山大學高層次人才科研啟動項目(No.BKS205055),30萬,,主持,,在研。
[3] 經(jīng)典波中高階拓撲絕緣體的研究,,國家自然科學基金理論物理專項 (No.12047541),17萬,,主持,結題,。
本人已取得的成果列表 (#表示一作,,*表示通訊)
[1] Shi-Qiao Wu#*, Zhi-Kang Lin#, Yongyao Li and Jianing Xie, Geometry-dependent acoustic higher-order topological phases on a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice, Journal of Applied Physics 135, 133104 (2024)
[2] Bin Jiang#, Adrien Bouhon#*, Shi-Qiao Wu#, Ze-Lin Kong#, Zhi-Kang Lin, Robert-Jan Slager*, and Jian-Hua Jiang*, Experimental observation of meronic topological acoustic Euler insulators, Science Bulletin 69, 1653-1659 (2024)
[3] Shi-Qiao Wu#, Wenting Cheng#, Xiao-Yu Liu, Bing-Quan Wu, Emil Prodan*, Camelia Prodan*, and Jian-Hua Jiang*, Observation of D-class topology in an acoustic metamaterial, Science Bulletin 69, 893-900 (2024)
[4] Shi-Qiao Wu*, Zhi-Kang Lin, Zhan Xiong, Bin Jiang, and Jian-Hua Jiang*, Square Root Higher-Order Topology in Rectangular-Lattice Acoustic Metamaterials,Physical Review Applied 19, 024023 (2023).
[5] Shi-Qiao Wu*,,Yadong Xu and Jian-Hua Jiang, Tunable non-Hermitian skin effects in Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-like models, Frontiers in Physics 11, 1123596 (2023).
[6] Shi-Qiao Wu#, Zhi-Kang Lin#, Bin Jiang, Xiaoxi Zhou, Zhi Hong Hang, Bo Hou, and Jian-Hua Jiang*, Higher-order Topological States in Acoustic Twisted Moiré Superlattices, Physical Review Applied 17, 034061 (2022).
[7] Shiqiao Wu, Bin Jiang, Yang Liu and Jian-Hua Jiang*, All-dielectric photonic crystal with unconventional higher-order topology, Photonics Research 9, 668-677 (2021). Editor’s Suggestion
[8] Xiao Li#, Shiqiao Wu#, Guanqing Zhang, Wanzhu Cai, Jack Ng and Guancong Ma*, Measurement of Corner-Mode Coupling in Acoustic Higher-Order Topological Insulators, Frontiers in Physics 9, 770589 (2021).
[9] Shiqiao Wu, Ying Wu and Jun Mei*, Topological helical edge states in water waves over a topographical bottom, New Journal of Physics 20, 023051(2018).
[10] Shiqiao Wu and Jun Mei*, Double Dirac cones and zero-refractive-index media in water waves, Europhysics Letter. 123, 59001(2018).
[11] Shiqiao Wu and Jun Mei*, Flat band degeneracy and near-zero refractive index materials in acoustic crystals, AIP Advances. 6, 015204 (2016).